Presentation by Tanis Fenton, PhD, RD & William W. Hay, MD
Leading experts Dr. Tanis Fenton and Dr. Bill Hay address the challenges associated with EUGR to properly assess preterm infant growth and discuss the
metrics that are essential for optimizing nutritional support while mitigating the
potential for adverse outcomes.
During the presentation, we review findings from a recent publication and discuss:
- EUGR, the challenges and potential harm it can cause and why it may be a misnomer
- Normal human fetal growth rate what the requirements are to achieve this goal and the possible consequences if we don’t
- Proper growth assessment and what metrics matter most
There is a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
About the Speaker:
Tanis Fenton, PhD, RD
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, CA
After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in nutrition from the University of Alberta and a Master’s degree in nutrition from the University Toronto, Dr. Fenton worked as a clinical dietitian. Wishing to learn more about research and critical appraisal, she completed a Doctorate degree in Epidemiology at the University of Calgary. Dr. Fenton is now working as a Research Lead for Alberta Nutrition Services, and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Calgary. Dr. Fenton is known internationally for a growth chart she developed for preterm infants and her meta-analyses on the alkaline diet hypothesis. She is the invited Chair for the Preterm Infant Expert Workgroup for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the nutritional care of preterm infants. Her primary academic focus is on growth of preterm infants.
About the Speaker:
William W. Hay, MD
University of Colorado (retired)
Denver, CO
Dr. William Hay is retired Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology) at the University of Colorado. Prior to his retirement, he was Director of the Child Maternal Health Program, the Early Life Exposures Program, and the Neonatal-Perinatal Clinical Translational Research Center of the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. He also served as Scientific Director of the Perinatal Research Center. Dr. Hay’s research has focused on maternal nutrition, placental nutrient transport, fetal physiology, and fetal and neonatal nutrition and metabolism. A major emphasis of his research has been on intrauterine growth restriction and how this condition programs fetal and neonatal growth and development. He also has studied how to provide nutrition to the preterm infant of the same gestational age as the normally growing fetus and to prevent nutrient limitation of postnatal growth. Dr. Hay is recognized nationally and internationally for his expertise in disorders of glucose metabolism in neonates and nutrition of the preterm infant.